Colorado Bound

I had a rough time Sunday night....I knew almost instantly that it was a "sign" from God.  The week leading up to this Colorado trip has been one of the strangest of my life, and it only took three specific strange things before I figured out what was going on (if only they had stopped at three)....I am a dense one sometimes.


I have been planning for this trip for nearly a year.  I entered a lottery system in July and found out a week later that I had won a spot.  The spot was for a women's ministry retreat in Colorado.  I will post more details later, but needless to say I had a heads up from a friend of mine who did the men's ministry retreat through the same place that it was a life ways I wouldn't fully understand until I went through it.  I got hit with some of it this past week....and I know without a doubt it was prep for the retreat.  I simply KNOW it.

If there is one thing I have learned the past two years, it is to be more aware of the "signs" around me.  I believe everything happens for a reason...even if it simply due to our own stupidity.  Life is made up of our choices...Every. Day.

Back to the start of this....after Sunday night, I woke up Monday in a dreamy fog of anticipation over what the next two days could have in store for me...I mean thinking of the week prior...anything could happen at this point.  Right?!  Right!

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Well, what happened was that God swung open a couple of doors...WIDE.  Leaving me simply...breathless.

I am still breathless...

I got home tonight (late)...I still have to unpack and re-pack a little (most of my packing I did a week ago....I am just a teeny bit excited about this trip), do some last minute work e-mails, check my schedule (I am driving the whole way in the myself...VERY excited...alone time is precious gearing up for this and then decompressing on the way home afterwards), e-mail some emergency contact information to a few people, etc...and finally....try to get some sleep (good luck with that).

I set out tomorrow, and I swear I feel 18 years old.  Isn't that funny???  Especially since I am ABSOLUTELY sure I never felt like this at 18; I was way too serious to feel like this...

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Life is an adventure, and I am thrilled to once again feel that thrill of the unknown...what is around the next corner...I have absolutely NO idea, and I could not care less.  What I do know is that it is well with my soul.  Where there has been pain, God has brought sudden overwhelming joy.  Where there has been doubt, he has brought peace.  I imagine (if my friend is to be believed)...this is only the beginning of changes for me over the next week. *Phew*

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For everything there is a season...I can tell the seasons have changed in my life...quite literally. :)))

I will post when and as I can...please send up thoughts and prayers for a safe journey and for me to learn all the lessons that God has in store for me...:)))

Sunshine Dreams to You ~ Today and Every Day! :)