The Power of Friendship

I love my friends. 

No...I adore my friends. 

One of the biggest blessings of my life are the friendships that I have been truly blessed beyond measure with over the years.  I am always amazed at how God puts just the right friend in my life at just the right moment with a call, an e-mail, a text message, a dinner....and they say what I need to hear in that moment...those moments.  Though....let me be clear...I don't always appreciate what I need to hear IN the moment. :)  I hope that I am as a good friend to others as they are to me; I know I have come up short more often than I care to admit.

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Today was one of those blessed days.  I heard from a few different friends, in a few different ways, and all spoke to me about different different ways, BUT I needed each of them and all of it.  Desperately.

When you are single, it is very easy to feel lonely.  Being alone though...for longer than a good night's a conscious choice.  It is a choice that now single again, I am having to re-learn; I am NOT enjoying the process.  I feel a little like an astronaut must as they re-enter the earth's atmosphere.  *Sigh* and *Ugh*

I am learning though...slowly. 

Today I was reminded that no matter where I am, that my friends are always there with me...a phone call, a text message, a coffee break, a dinner, or an e-mail away.  I always have a choice. 

So...I am glad today for sweet, dear friends PLUS a new jazz album out by Melody Gardot.  There is nothing quite like jazz to heal and lift a wounded spirit.  I have attached Melody's version of Over the Rainbow because everyone should hear her version.  She is amazing!

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Time alone...hibernation as I lovingly refer to my alone important, but you can't build that cave too cozy...or you will never climb out. For me, this particular hibernation period is over...time to let the sunshine wash over me again. 

Sunshine Dreams to You ~ Today and Every Day! :)