
I don't know why, but today I started thinking about all of the near misses in my life.  If you read this blog a lot, you know that since summer I have become addicted to Brandon Heath.  ADDICTED! :)

Well he has a song called Stolen, and it is fantastic.  I had been listening to the song on a continuous loop a couple of months back when a co-worker told me about a near miss car accident they were in over the weekend.  It was a terrifying story, and they were nearly killed....YET they walked away perfectly okay.  Even days later telling me the story, you could tell they were still shook up.  They recounted how they realized they could have been gone in that 30 seconds.  Gone.  Dead.  Gone.

The conversation led on to salvation, picking a church, going to church, and their questions and concerns.  They had been gone from God for a long time.  I won't say why, but their personal story helps you understand...and how many of us can say we have never turned away from God...for an hour, a day, a week, a month, years.  None of us.  It was a raw discussion about what they needed to talk about, and what I felt compelled to tell them.  Which was...follow their heart.  Obviously their heart was missing something...

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Back to the song...God doesn't steal our hearts...unless we first offer them up to him.  He stands there steady, patient, true....waiting...waiting for us to come back, to need him, to want him, to allow him to steal our hearts.  He doesn't give up on us.  Ever.  He waits...for our heart.

This got me to thinking....

I want to give up my heart willingly...not begrudgingly or as an afterthought.  I want to consciously make that decision.  My peace comes from allowing God to steal my heart from me.  Why is that so hard to do?

I don't know...but it is.  We want checklists and to dos, but at the heart (pun fully intended) of what God commands of us is love.  Love him and others, and to do that requires us to give him our hearts.  Our hearts.

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How many times have I been here...the near misses....about to give it all, but I hesitated....(I'm shaking my head as I type.)?

How many more near misses?  For me?  For you? 

He's waiting...

Sunshine Dreams to You ~ Today and Every Day! :)