The Writer or The Main Character? Which Are You??

I need to embrace this.

You would think for a Type A, planaholic it would be virtually impossible to out run my air cover....but you would be wrong.  I bet the single most thing I am challenged with is embracing who I am in the moment.  I am always going for the next challenge, dreaming the new dream...

I'm doing that NOW. 

The picture above stopped me short at 5:30 a.m. this morning.  Stupid Pinterest.

It made me think....who wants to do that at 5:30 a.m. before the first sip of coffee???

I got the sweetest note from someone I know this week thanking me for believing in them and helping them find balance.  They also added how much they "love living their passions."  Yes, I cried.  It also irritated me a little (as God intended) because it is a reminder that I have the skills and abilities to help others with what I have yet to master myself.  Ah...Uggg (picture kid from Home Alone here...aftershave scene). :)

nelson mandela

This is the point where I lie to myself and then lie to you...and then we all lie to ourselves.  Nope...not doing that this me bitter with too little coffee inside of me.

If you have any inkling that you are "settling" whether it is true or not, a bad day, a bad spell, or "dead on accurate" owe it to yourself to investigate.  Don't bury yourself in more work or more chores or Pinterest (ha ha) or Holidays (yes, yes we do that...and then January 1st hits like a smack on the head).  Stop, breathe, feel, ponder, make a list...Go.

You know why we don't take real "Swim In Lake You" time as much as we should?  Because we don't want to have to face what the me inside is trying to say to us, teach us...we don't want to listen.  So we just keep spinning.

At work, we were talking about deferred loan fees...I know, fun stuff.  The funny thing is there is a powerful life lesson inside the tale of banks growing, growing, growing and how deferred loan fees are the crazy uncle (envision the guy from Christmas Vacation) in the closet until the growing stops.  Then crazy uncle is at the table asking for another helping of dried up turkey and spewing sewage everywhere. :) 

Our dreams and passions are like that....we defer them and defer them until the time is gone with which to live them and we are left with what...

Embrace who you are today, but commit to do one thing today (no matter how small) to getting one step closer to living your dreams and passions.  Otherwise you might be the writer of your story....but it is just a story.

Live...the point today is each and every day.

Sunshine Dreams to You ~ Today and Every Day! :)